Monday 10 April 2017

Arabella Kushner Trump Grand Daughter Entertain Chinese

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

President Trump’s Grandkids Sing in Mandarin for the Chinese President


Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

Gossip: Manchester United 'get Neymar boost', Griezmann 'rules out Real Madrid move', Manchester City 'lead Alexis race'

Neymar, Sanchez and Griezmann - all wanted for big fees
Neymar, Sanchez and Griezmann – all wanted for big fees
If Neymar never ever signs for Manchester United, imagine how many lives would have been wasted speculating on whether he might. Lives that could have been spent making worthwhile contributions to society – curing disease, fighting injustice, cuddling orphaned monkeys – but were instead sucked into a bottomless vacuum of pointless rumour-mongering that helped no one.

Actually, this is not even a conversation Hot Football Transfer Gossip wants to get involved in on a Monday morning. It’s too distressing. Instead, let’s turn our attention to the Daily Press, which says that Neymar could be on his way to Man Utd. Woah, cool!
This is not strictly the belief of the Express, but the belief of Real Madrid president Florentino Perez, who reportedly “feels” that Neymar has a Nou Camp “escape plan”, due to his unhappiness with Barca’s faltering form and his “tense relationship” with Lionel Messi.
Video Not Available
Unfortunately, this video is no longer available.
The reason this is good news for United is that they are “one of the few teams who would be able to afford him”. Or, at least, one of the few clubs willing to meet his £170m release clause. Remember, the one that was inserted when Neymar signed a new contract a few months ago. The contract that was supposed to end all this speculation and help us regain our sanity and our dignity. Remember THAT?
Deep breaths… Moving on, the Red Devils have also received a boost in their pursuit of Antoine Griezmann after he appeared to rule out a move from Atletico Madrid to rivals Real, describing the idea as “dead”.

Saturday 1 April 2017

The 9 Symptoms of Stroke You Need to Know

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

The 9 Symptoms of Stroke You Need to Know

While many of us are eating and getting our diets right to prevent a future heart attack, we can’t forget about how deadly a brain attack — otherwise known as a stroke — could be. The National Stroke Association reminds us it’s the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. and strikes someone every 40 seconds. While it’s possible to make a full recovery when you have a stroke, most people do not. In fact, more than two-thirds of survivors have some kind of disability associated with the attack.
Much like a heart attack, strokes can happen anywhere, any time, and it all starts when blood flow is cut off from an area of your brain. From here, your oxygen-deprived brain cells start to die, which then causes issues elsewhere or even death. There is good news for us all, however — most strokes can be prevented, and there are plenty of symptoms to warn you when this condition is about to strike.

Learn to act F.A.S.T.

Beautiful blonde woman hiding face under cover
Know the most common symptoms of a stroke first. |
Before we delve into some stroke symptoms you may not be aware of, it’s important to know the basics. There’s an easy way to detect the most common signs with this acronym: F.A.S.T.
“F” stands for face: Is your face drooping? Try to smile while looking in the mirror to see if one side of your face looks as if it’s being pulled down.
“A” stands for arms: Raise your arms. If one arm drifts downward, this is a sign.
“S” stands for speech: Are you slurring your words?
“T” stands for time: If a stroke is on its way, your time is limited. Act quickly and seek emergency care if any of these symptoms occur, as an attack could be well on its way.
As for the not-so-common symptoms, here they are.

1. Sudden and severe headache

headache during work at the office
A sudden headache is a sign. |
We all get that annoying pain in our skulls from time to time — maybe work has us stressed or we had too much to drink the night before. While the occasional headache usually isn’t something to worry about, you should be wary if your headache comes on without any warning and is cripplingly painful. These are called thunderclap headaches, and they can signal bleeding in the brain, says Everyday Health.
If you’re over 50 and suddenly have the worst headache of your life or you notice you’re getting them more often than usual, contact your doctor immediately. This could be a sign of a stroke or another neurological problem.

2. Trouble speaking

couple meeting with a female doctor
Pay attention to changes in speech. |
Depending on what part of the brain is affected, an incoming stroke can cause speech troubles in some. This is part of the F.A.S.T. acronym as stated before, but this symptom can manifest in a few ways. U.S. News & World Report explains someone who is about to have a stroke could experience difficulty speaking sentences that make sense, or they can also have trouble understanding complex conversations.
This symptom usually indicates that the area of the brain that controls language isn’t getting the blood supply it needs. If you can’t keep up with your friend’s riveting story no matter how hard you concentrate, this is a definite sign of a stroke.

3. Loss of coordination

Having trouble walking? Watch for this. |
If a stroke is on its way, you may suddenly feel as if your arms and legs aren’t working the way they should. This may mean you’re having difficulty walking because you’re off balance, or your limbs are suddenly weak. You might also find yourself stumbling more than usual or having a hard time picking up objects, eMedicineHealth explains.
Droopiness in the face is a symptom most people look for when they consider a stroke (it’s part of F.A.S.T., after all), but know this limp feeling can happen anywhere in the body. Whether it’s a sign of something serious or not, it’s never normal to feel sudden weakness in your body.

4. Blurry vision

man getting an eye exam at the optometrist's office
Sudden blurriness in your vision isn’t normal. |
Your carotid arteries are located on the sides of your neck, and they have the ever-important job of supplying blood to your brain, neck, and face. The New York Times explains strokes commonly happen in this area, which can result in some strange changes to your vision. As oxygen is reduced in this part of your brain, you may experience poor night visionvor feel as if a shade has been pulled down over your eyes.
If you have a stroke that’s occurring in the arteries along the base of the skull, you’ll also see changes in your eyesight. You may even experience a complete loss of vision.

5. Sudden hoarseness

woman coughing
Hoarseness, along with other symptoms, could be a sign. |
Your voice typically isn’t the first thing affected by a stroke — you’ll probably notice weakness in your limbs or bad coordination before this one — but it’s a symptom to be aware of. The Voice Foundation explains the strength of your voice box can be affected by many neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and, you guessed it, stroke.
Loss of blood flow to the brain stem can cause a hoarse or breathy voice from the vocal muscles being paralyzed on one side. It’s also possible to completely lose the ability to speak when the side of the brain that’s more dominant is affected. If your once beautiful singing voice is now nothing more than a whisper, be wary.

6. Hiccups

man holding his chest in pain
Painful hiccups could mean a stroke is on its way. |
We’ve all been there — you’re starving and ready to scoff down your dinner when in the middle of another quick forkful of food, the hiccups start. Most of us think of the hiccups as a mild annoyance that disappear just as quickly as they start. There are instances, however, when this irritating bodily function could signal a stroke.
Neurologist Diana Greene-Chandos tells Prevention these aren’t your average, run-of-the-mill hiccups. They’ll be painful, constant, and extremely severe. It’s also likely you’ll notice numbness and blurry vision at the same time. If your hiccups are unrelenting and accompany other symptoms, head to the ER and suggest this possible cause to the doctors — stroke may not be the first diagnosis on their mind, either.

7. Pain in the arms or face

a sick man on a couch
Unexplainable pain should be checked by you doctor. |
When you have arm pain, you probably fear an incoming heart attack. It also signals a stroke, though. Carolyn Brockington, M.D., tells Everyday Health this is a symptom women should definitely be aware of. It’s not that women are more likely to experience pain prior to a stroke — it’s that they are more likely to think strokes primarily affect men, the elderly, or those in poor health, and therefore may ignore this sign.
If your upper body pain is accompanied by feelings of weakness or an inability to move that specific side, or any of the other symptoms here, seek medical attention.

8. Fainting

Tired and overworked woman working with a laptop
Feeling light-headed? Pay attention to any other symptoms of a stroke you may have. |
Strokes and fainting can often look the same, but usually, they’re unrelated. Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness because of a lack of oxygen to the brain. A stroke, on the other hand, occurs when blood flow to the brain is cut off. Because it only affects one part of the organ, people don’t usually faint before having a stroke, Merck Manual says.
There is a situation where fainting is a sign of stroke, and that’s if the part of the brain affected by the lack of blood flow is the area that helps keep you awake and aware. If you’ve fainted after a dizzy spell and you’re feeling a little less coordinated than usual, it may signal something serious.

9. Seizure

doctors helping a patient in the hospital
Seek medical care immediately after a seizure. | David McNew/Getty Images
A minor stroke will not cause a seizure, but something more severe could. The New York Times explains a hemorrhagic stroke occurs when there’s bleeding in the brain. A blood vessel bursts, causing the bleeding which can then result in brain swelling, pressure in the head, and damage to the surrounding tissue. In short, these strokes are as serious as they come. These strokes can quickly threaten your life — don’t hesitate to seek help.

Stroke risk factors

close-up of a man checking his blood sugar
Having diabetes increases your risk. |
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t just give you the physique you’ve always wanted — it protects your brain, too. Unfortunately, if you’ve already had one stroke, severe or not, you’re already at a higher risk of having another one, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains. Having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes makes you more susceptible as well.
Heart disease and stroke are linked pretty closely, too. Coronary artery disease occurs from plaque buildup in the heart. This can then block the flow of blood to the brain, causing a stroke. If you don’t have heart disease but you’re still smoking, eating a poor diet, and refusing to hop on the treadmill every once in awhile, know you’re putting yourself at unnecessary stroke risk.

What women need to know

Pregnant woman holding belly
High blood pressure during pregnancy is something to watch for. |
Ladies, listen up — out of every 10 strokes that kill, six occur in women. While this disease mostly affects older adults, there’s an increasing number of women under 45 who are having them. Younger women are also more likely to experience vertigo and headaches as symptoms, so it’s important to pay attention to your body when it’s acting abnormally.
High blood pressure is a risk factor for both genders, but women need to pay particular attention to their blood pressure during pregnancy. If it rises to unsafe levels and you’re with child, this can certainly raise your risks for stroke. Also, if you’re on birth control, ask your doctor if it could be increasing your chances of an attack in the future. Some types of the pill raise your risk even higher if you have high blood pressure or smoke.

Possible complications

woman therapist talking to her client
Therapy can help stroke survivors with any symptoms of depression they may have. |
Strokes can certainly be deadly, and even survivors don’t always get  away unscathed. The American Stroke Association explains brain swelling, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and loss of bladder control, seizures, and depression can all occur in the aftermath. Depending on how your mobility is affected from the stroke, you may also get bedsores, blood clots in the legs, or pain in the limbs.
Luckily, there are a lot of options for stroke survivors. Physical therapy can assist in restoring range of motion and preventing problems in the blood vessels, and deep breathing exercises can help decrease pneumonia risk. Counseling is also useful for those dealing with the emotional effects.

You can have a stroke without even realizing it

Brain lobes in different colors
Not every stroke is severe. |
As scary as a stroke sounds, some people have one and never even know it. Ted Lowenkopf, M.D., tells Providence Health & Services if you have a stroke that is either very small or that damages tissue with no critical function, then you may have no symptoms at all. It’s possible to have a minor stroke in your sleep, too. While this may not wake you, it’s important to note any strange symptoms you may have if you do wake up in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason.
Having a mild stroke may not cause you any problems, but it should serve as a warning. You could be at risk for having a more severe episode in a few hours, days, or weeks, so be sure to report any of your unusual symptoms.

What can you do? First, get more sleep

Asleep girl stopping alarm clock
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. |
You can blame it on late-night TV binges or the overwhelming workload you have at the office, but either way, daytime sleepiness plagues millions of people each year. Most of us can pinpoint why we’re tired — maybe we’re not really putting in the eight hours of rest we need. But what if you are?
A study from the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes showed the participants who reported “significant daytime dozing” had a higher risk of stroke compared to those who reported some dozing or no sleeping at all. Researchers aren’t sure of the direct correlation between stroke and tiredness, but there’s surely a relationship between disturbances in sleep and vascular disorders. To protect your heart and your brain, make sure you’re getting quality rest each night. It’s the easiest, and perhaps one of the most effective, things you can do.

Top 9 Inflammated-Fighting Foods You Should Be Eating

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

Top Nine Inflammated-Fighting Foods You Should Be Eating

While most of us think about food in terms of how it can affect our weight and physical performance, it goes well beyond that. Everything from our skin to our hair to how our organs are performing is affected by what we eat. Chief among the foods we want to avoid in order to optimize how our body functions are those that promote inflammation.

So what exactly is inflammation?

runner with sprained ankle
A swollen ankle is a good example of inflammation. |
If you’ve ever sprained your ankle only to find it swell up like a balloon, you’ve witness inflammation firsthand. It’s a natural immune response whereby the tissues in your body react to a harmful stimuli such as an infection or an injury. It’s a protective response meant to eliminate the initial cause of harm. In the case of the ankle sprain, it’s a temporary, targeted form of inflammation.
When you consistently eat a poor diet rich in sugary, starchy foods (pasta, bread, pastries, baked goods, fried foods including chips, pretzels, soda, red meats, margarine … ), your body is systematically being affected by inflammation, which increases the risk of degenerative disease, chronic pain, joint pain, fatigue, and damage to blood vessels. It also causes sagging skin, dark circles, and puffiness, among many other internal and external factors.
The good news is there’s plenty that can be done to control inflammation. The key is to be strategic about the foods you eat, focusing on following a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods and drinking water (or tea) throughout the day.
Here’s a look at the inflammation-fighting foods you should always have around.

1. High-quality protein

salmon on a plate
Salmon is one of the best inflammation-fighting foods. |
Fish, especially cold water fish like wild Alaskan salmon, tuna, scallops, halibut, herring, sardines, and anchovies are all high in inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids. Shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster), poultry (free-range chicken, turkey, Cornish hens, nitrate-free bacon on occasion), seitan, tempeh, and tofu are all great dietary staples that will work to naturally fight inflammation, too.

2. Dark leafy greens

fresh spinach leaves in a bowl
Go for this bowl of fresh spinach. |
Rich in antioxidants, dark leafy greens like kale and spinach have been proven to fight inflammation. They’re also high in vitamin E, which is thought to help protect the body from pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines.

3. Nuts

cans of different kinds of nuts
Eat a variety of nuts. |
Opt for raw, unsalted nuts. Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts are all great options as they’re high in inflammation-fighting monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, fiber, and antioxidants.

4. Berries

mixed berries
Mixed berries make for a delicious snack. |
Berries, especially blueberries, will work to fight inflammation with their high antioxidant content. They also have that sweet taste we all love, so consider nibbling some of these fruits as an after-dinner treat.

5. Seeds

large wooden spoon filled with chia seeds
Chia seeds are great for fighting inflammation. |
Flax, chia, pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame are all high in inflammation-fighting omega-3s. They’re seriously easy to add to your meals, too. Try tossing them in smoothies or sprinkling a small handful over a salad.

6. Beans and lentils

red beans in a bowl
Beans are rich in fiber and other nutrients. |
Lentils (red, green black), lima beans, kidney beans, white beans, pinto beans, and black beans are all rich in fiber and phytonutrients, which help lower CRP, an indicator of inflammation found in the blood. They’re also rich in protein and fiber, which will keep you full.

7. Grains

a bowl of oats next to wheat
Always go for whole grains. |
Oats, barley, quinoa, and buckwheat are all low-glycemic carbohydrates (i.e. they won’t cause a sugar spike), making them a great option. These whole grains will also work to lower CRP.

8. Healthy fats

Sliced avocado
Sliced avocado is a healthy fat. |
Extra-virgin olive oil, flax oil, macadamia nut oil, avocados, coconuts, and olives are all fantastic sources of healthy fats. Avocados in particular are rich in carotenoids, which have been proven to help fight inflammation.

9. Sweeteners

jar of honey
Honey is a better alternative to white sugar. |
When necessary, sweeten foods with honey or another less processed type of sugar. Natural sweeteners tend to fall lower on the glycemic index, which means they won’t spike your blood sugar as much. This may help combat inflammation.

The Real Reason Why The Whales Jump

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

The Real Reason Why The Whales Jump

Lauren Phillips,Coastal Living Thu, Mar 30 2:45 PM PDT

Scroll back up to restore default view.
It’s hard to miss: A 30-ton mammal flings itself out of choppy waters, hanging in the air for a brief moment before its 45-foot frame crashes back into the water, sending a plume of sea foam into the air as it lands.
You’ve just seen a humpback whale breaching. These whales have been spotted breaching-or exposing large portions of their bodies above the water-year-round, in their winter breeding grounds, their summer feeding grounds, and while traveling between the two. Their breaching behavior while on the move caught the attention of a team of scientists in Australia, who wondered why-when breaching takes so much energy, and humpbacks rarely, if ever, eat while migrating-these giants would use their energy to jump unless it meant something.

Researchers working with the BRAHSS (Behavioural Response of Australian Humpback Whales to Seismic Surveys) project observed 94 different groups of humpback whales migrating past the coast of Australia en route to the Antarctic. In a scholarly article published in Marine Mammal Science, the team pinpointed specific surface behaviors-its term for the whales’ actions as they breach or slap the water with their fins-and what they might mean. It noticed the whales’ surface behaviors became more common on windy days or when there were other groups of whales very far away, supporting the opinion that whales use these behaviors as a form of communication. By leaping into the air or slapping the water with their fins, whales make major noise-noise that helps them communicate across large distances when background sounds from the weather, boats in the area, or other sources might block out their vocal noises.

The team concluded that these surface behaviors serve multiple communication purposes for migrating humpback whales, purposes that can’t be achieved by vocal sounds. It also tried to decipher what the whales are trying to say. According to the article, breaching is possibly communication between far-apart groups of whales. Whales use the incredible underwater noise they can create by crashing their bodies into the water as a signal to other groups in the area, while fluke (tail fin) or pectoral fin slapping may be important for close-range and between-group communication. The whales may use this communication to mediate social interactions such as groups coming together or splitting apart.
Humpback whales breach and display surface behaviors year-round, so, even though migrating whales were the focus of this study, it's possible that they use these actions for the same purposes wherever they are. These actions take place regardless of the presence of an opposite-sex pairing and outside breeding grounds, so it's unlikely that they are limited to mating behaviors. This Australian team only studied humpback whales, but all species of whales breach, and it's possible that other baleen whales (like blue whales) use breaching to communicate, too.
The next time you’re fortunate enough to see a whale jumping above the water, know that jump takes a lot of energy, and it’s not just for fun or to put on a show-that jump might carry a message.

How to allegely cut your power bills? An Electrician conduct an Experiment

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

How I legally cut my power bill by two-thirds? An electrician conducts an experiment

Hello everybody!
My readers and many of them are women, have been lately asking me the same question: "Is it true that an energy saving device helps reduce electricity power bills?" Looking ahead, let me tell you that the energy savers do help you cut your bills by 2-4 times .
Before I wrote this post, I'd found out that last September my neighbour installed an energy saver. I couldn’t believe when she showed me her bills: the next month the amount on the bill she received was 2.5 smaller!
With her permission I took a photo for the blog:
She told me she was using all the same appliances, as usual: "I have three small children. I constantly have my washing machine, vac cleaner, and the cooking top going on. We used to spend huge money on electricity bills. So, in secret from my husband, I decided to buy an energy saver. I installed it myself, it’s very easy and safe. Mind you, I don’t know anything about electricity.
The energy saver works instantly, my husband was in shock. In September we used 639kW and in October - only 258kW, which is 2.5 times less" !

The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the energy saver.

Being an electrician with a 20-year career I couldn’t believe that such a small device could result in huge savings on electricity . Well, let's see how this stuff works.
The technology of an effective energy saving has been developed in Japan. It’s widely used in electric vehicles, including Tesla. The whole "idea" is a small device that helps cut the power usage by several times. The technique is so simple and cheap that it is used at home and at work in the United States, Japan, South Korea and now in Nigeria. No need to install magnets or special devices to reduce electricity usage or steal it. It's all nonsense and it’s illegal. Whereas this saver simply has to be pugged into a socket .
My experiment . I bought a model called Electricity Saving Box. It was delivered directly to my place in 3-4 days after I ordered it on the manufacturer’s official website .
In the box, I found the device itself and a simple 2-step user manual on how to plug it in. It's very simple, any housewife can do it.
I turned on a vacuum cleaner and checked the consumption (kW/h, i. e. what we actually pay) before and after I plugged in the saver .
Before connecting the saver, the wattmeter was showing the nominal power of the vacuum cleaner - 1053W:

When I connected the saver I checked the power consumption again:
What I saw was that after connecting the saver, the electric power consumption was cut by two!
I even felt ashamed because I hadn’t known about such a simple thing.
It has been two weeks since I’ve started using the device and it’s time to assess preliminary results: in 15 days, power consumption dropped by 65% ! This means that in six months I’ll be able to save my monthly salary. Is it much? I think it is. I believe any extra money to spend on my family and kids is great.
So the saver really works. I confirm. As for its price, I checked so many websites and from what I could see the manufacturer’s website offers Electricity Saving Box at the cheapest price. Also, the device was delivered directly to my home.
So good luck to all and don’t waste your money.


  • Adesola
    I bought exactly the same saver - Electricity Saving Box in July. I installed it myself, no problem. From August to October, I saved enough money on electricity bills to pamper myself with new designer clothes and shoes. My energy consumption decreased by 2 times. Glad to see that the technology is so useful to ordinary people.
  • Adaku
    I was rather skeptical about testing Electricity Saving Box too. But when next month I paid only a third of my regular bill, my skepticism vanished. I'm sort of good at all technical stuff, but this one is just mind-blowing, it’s a pity it wasn’t available before.
  • Chetanna
    3,200 nairas directly into the family budget every month! I agree with the author, it’s never too much money spent on the family.
  • Ebiundu
    As long as I remember myself, the electricity power prices are going up all the time. This device is a must. It’s quite a decent saving.
  • Febechi
    I was not quite sure about this device since it’s a new stuff. A month later, it turned out that the bill has been cut almost by 2. Fantastic. Cool thing.
  • Kambai
    I live in a house. I bought it on special from the manufacturer's website. Buy only Electricity Saving Box . Everything else, according to the description and reviews is BS.
  • Kariara
    My husband and I recently returned from Europe. They all use this device over there! I asked the locals and they say that it would be hard without it. It allows saving up to 30-50%! We bought it over there since it wasn’t available in Nigeria until recently!
  • Jumoki
    I now have 2,000 nairas extra to spend. This is a very cool and a very easy way to save.

What to Do if You Haven't Saved for Retirements by Age 50

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

Here's how much the average young family has saved for retirement

Avrerage Family Saved and Retirement

Report by:   Olanrewaju Elegbede (Real Africa News)

Here's how much the average young family has saved for retirement

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